Sumitomo is Ready for Updated Energy Requirements in EU.
On January 1, 2021, new and more ambitious European energy efficiency standards for electric motors are going into effect. The goal is to phase out the least energy-efficient motors in the market, and the European Commission is hopeful that the rules will lead to increased efficiency, lower emissions, and a reduction in CO2 emissions.
To limit the use of energy in Europe, the European Union has set a number of requirements for energy consumption in 2009. Ecodesign is the name of these energy and environmental requirements the EU sets for products, with the intention of removing the least energy-efficient products from the market. The requirements are the same for all EU countries. Products that do not meet the requirements may not be used in new applications on markets in the countries concerned. Likewise, the replacement of older motors must also meet these new requirements. These regulations require that electric motors rated for 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 3/4HP with continuous duty to meet the IE2 minimum efficiency level. Sumitomo Drive Technologies is now offering any customer who exports to EU/UK our new CE/IE3 integral gearmotors.
Most OEMs both within and outside Europe, including Sumitomo Drive Technologies, will therefore be affected by the EU directives.
As part of the global power transmission industry, we are aware of our social responsibility and environmental footprint. Improving energy efficiency is one of the smartest ways to reduce CO2 emissions. By offering more energy-efficient motors and VFD solutions, we can help our customers to save money and save the planet.